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Our Support



Future Charities

Our support is directed towards local community causes with the majority of effort being directed towards support for the immediate catchment surrounding Meadowhall. We focus our support where we can deliver the biggest impact and where the initiative broadly matches our criteria.


We will consider support:

  1. to registered charities or not-for profit organisations based in South Yorkshire, in particular we provide support for the immediate catchment to Meadowhall.
  2. where there is clear, immediate and long-lasting benefit to the recipients.
  3. where we are aware of what exactly the support will be used for.
  4. where, if required, the charity is able to provide the latest 2 years´ audited Annual Accounts.


What we don’t support:

We are unable to consider requests for support for any of the following:

  1. organisations which are not recognised charities or not-for profit organisations.
  2. activities which are primarily the responsibility of central or local government, or some other responsible body.
  3. contribute to running costs, including rent or staff wages.
  4. activities which collect funds for subsequent redistribution to other charities or individuals.
  5. expeditions or overseas travel.
  6. individuals, including students.
  7. loans or business finance.
  8. overseas activities or charities.
  9. promotion of religion or the restoration or upkeep or places of worship.
  10. petitions
  11. national charity requests

Where mall space is required, we are unlikely to support the use of bucket collections, cake stalls, craft stalls, merchandise sales, pop-up displays/banners.


How we support

We wish to make contributions which will have a meaningful long term impact in the community. We therefore focus our support to a limited number of causes or organisations for longer periods where we can see the impact of our contributions and where we can build good relationships and better understanding of areas of need.


We can’t support everyone

As the number of applications typically exceeds the support Meadowhall is able to offer, the Committee exercise their discretion in making any awards even in circumstances where the criteria may be satisfied.


Our support

Here are just some examples of how we have shown our support;

  • Environmental activities
  • Offering consultancy, expertise and research opportunities
  • Staff volunteering
  • Hosting arts, cultural and sporting events
  • Use of company premises/resources
  • Work placements


Your ‘Support’ application

Simply print off and complete the form, together with any supporting literature you feel will strengthen your chances of receiving support. The form must be completed legibly and in full, and sent to: Secretary to the Support Committee, Meadowhall Shopping Centre, Management Suite, 1 The Oasis, Meadowhall Centre, Sheffield, S9 1EP.

If your request does not satisfy this criteria, your application will be declined. If the request does meet with the specified criteria, the application will then be given further consideration at the next Support Committee meeting held monthly. As the number of applications typically exceeds the support Meadowhall is able to offer, the Committee exercise their discretion in making any awards even in circumstances where the criteria may be satisfied.

All applicants will receive acknowledgement within 5 working days, and will at a later date be informed as to whether their application has been successful. If your application is unsuccessful, then you should wait at least 1 year before re-applying.

To download a support application form, click here.