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people standing behind the Batch'd stall


Batch’d is Now Open at Meadowhall

Batch’d is now open on the Lower Arcade in Meadowhall

A box with four doughnuts in


Batch’d is a Yorkshire made brand that specialises in selling an enormous range of artisan desserts made by multiple small batch bakeries.

A box with doughnuts and cookies in

Whether you fancy a donut, a brownie, a cookie, or a huge cookie dough pie, they have the most incredible range of sweet treats to suit your every mood!

A doughnut

Batch’d prides itself in finding new, quirky, and most importantly extremely tasty products. With a monthly changing menu on selected brands there is always something delicious and new to be excited about!

Keep up to date with their daily sweetness over on @batchduk

people standing behind the Batch'd stall

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